Pedigree Database: ZZZ



GameDogs Pedigree

Sex: male
Land of Birth: India
Land of Standing: India
Colour: Buckskin

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Coeficient of inbreeding (COI): 0.000 %

Ancestor loss (AVK): 0.000 %
This COI and AVK is calculated from 1 generations pedigree

Generations in pedigree: 4 5 6 7 8
      Dogs with color point indicate that the animal occurs multiple times within the present pedigree.
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We are trying to collect information about American Pit Bull Terrier from all over the world. The website and database is intended for the community of American Pit Bull Terrier lovers and dog breeders worldwide who we hope will help us gather as much information as possible. Our focus is on American Pit Bull Terrier pedigrees and we would appreciate it to also host American Pit Bull Terrier pedigrees reaching back to the very beginning of American Pit Bull Terrier breeding.


2024-06-19 15:58:55

Jina pedigree fake bni hai os nu das de ki a dog huna game li nhi gye ase de weight de koi dog hani 29kg ch game krde a jo ki 26 vich tut gye se jawa firr vi a stop nhi hoya LG man de hn te lya vi hai kutta huna mere a jo gall krni hoyi mere nla kr la game fix krni hai te das de 29kg vich jo mrji la k aji tu apna te hor koi weight hai te das teri bound ch jor hani fuddi de

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